Shipping & Returns

Please allow one to three business days for your order to be processed and shipped from our warehouse. Once your order is Shipped you will be provided with a tracking number. We've worked hard to find the most reliable delivery options with the best service. If, for any reason, your experience is not satisfactory, please contact us and we'll do our best to make it right!
Returns & Damages:

If you aren’t happy with your Olivia Welles purchase, we will gladly accept returns of unworn merchandise with tags attached for the first 30 days beginning on the ship date. Upon receipt,  we will provide you a full refund. This applies to all items excluding FINAL SALE items. You must include the original invoice in your return package and the item must be packed with the same care and cushioning as you received it. Return postage/label is not provided.  

All returns must be sent to:

Olivia Welles RETURNS
205 Interstate Lane
Waterbury, CT 06705